VoIP (Voice over IP) is the method of sending voice conversations over the internet. VoIP converts analog signals from a phone into a digital format, sends it over the internet and then converts it back to analog at the other end. There are 2 ways you can place a call using VoIP. The first method is to use software like
‘Skype’ and call any number from your computer using a headset. The second method of using VoIP is to use a
phone that has an adapter which is connected to a broadband connection. The advantage that VoIP has over traditional phone calls is that it is cheaper to use VoIP. The reason that traditional long distance calls are expensive is due to the fact that if you were calling someone from Canada to Australia, your telephone company would have to use the infrastructure of other phone companies which are on route to Australia to complete your call. On the other hand, with VoIP, you are using an existing infrastructure, which is the internet, to make the call. Below are some links on VoIP if you want to learn more.
How VoIP WorksVoice over IPCNETGet upto Speed:VoIP
I've been using Skype for a while now but I've never done much reading up about it... I just realised the CEO is Swedish :-)
*has a soft spot for all things Swedish* ;-)
Coolness! Thanks for informing!
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