RSS or Real Simple Syndication is a format used for syndicating news and content of news-like sites like yahoo, wired.com, blogs, etc. RSS has evolved and is currently used for any kind of information that can be broken down with a common data pattern. Using RSS, we can now monitor news, blogs, job listings, personals, and classifieds. Many sites and blogs offer feeds, which you can identify by a small button that says either RSS or XML. However, if you click one of these links, you will most likely get a page full of code in your browser. To properly read this feed, you will need an RSS reader or aggregator.
Click here to get an RSS reader. To learn more about RSS, click on the links below
WebreferenceWikipediaRSS Reader
Thanks for explaining this! I've always been confused about what RSS really meant but now I think I finally get it...
ahhhh. ;)
You are welcome nicole.
I'm sorry, Ajay. I'm still confused. How is this important to us? How can we use it? Is it something you'd recommend we all get?
Hi Saurkraut,
I strongly recommend that you should have RSS feed on your website. Go to http://www.feedburner.com/ and it will walk you through the steps to add the feed to your website. This is a feature most of blog surfers look for as it makes it easy to read many blogs in a short time. Let me know if you have any trouble and I can help you set it up on your website.
Hi ajay;
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